Austin Trip – Each year our 4th graders get to go explore Austin, they tour the Texas State Capital & visit the Bob Bullock Museum.
Back to School Bash- before school starts, students are welcome to come and pick up their supplies, purchase spirit wear and meet their Teachers.
- Bluebonnet Breakfast Week
Book Fair – Our Librarian normally holds 2 book fairs each year. You will receive information in our Wednesday envelopes and through elink about the book fairs.
Buddy Fun Day – Our PE teacher runs a fun filled Field day. The date for this is May 16th. Please contact Elisa Staats if you are interested in volunteering for this fun filled day.
Clubs – Each year we offer a variety of different clubs. Keep an eye out in Wednesday folders for club information
Career & College Day – November 15th this year. We hope to integrate great colleges and universities as well as exciting careers. If you would like to assist with this day, please contact Jessica Watkins, our school Counselor.
Choir – Is open to 5th & 6th graders. For more information contact Mrs. Homma.
Canned Food Drive - Every November, we host a canned food drive to help some of our SCE families.
Classroom Buddies – Kindergarten buddies are paired up with 6th grade students as well as 1st grade students are buddies with 5th grade students. They meet 2 times per nine weeks and do a variety of things such as read, complete projects together, etc.
Clothes Closet – Is open to any student who is in need of clothing. All referrals must come through Jessica Watkins, our school Counselor. Families can donate to the box in the front hallway or through our PTA by contacting Laura Lestock.
Counseling and Guidance Program-Jessica Watkins, our school Counselor, has implemented a comprehensive school counseling and guidance program. Every student receives weekly guidance lessons covering a variety of topics throughout the year. Students also have the opportunity to participate in individual and group counseling sessions. https://sites.google.com/g.risd.org/sce-counseling/home
Curriculum Night – August 19th - A time for Parents to meet the Teachers and learn about curriculum and expectations of each classroom.
Differential Instruction – Spring Creek differentiates instruction for all students in all grade levels. Students will be provided a variety of opportunities through tiered activities to extend and enrich the core subjects.
Donuts with Grownups – November 11th. An announcement goes out for any Grandparents/other grownups to come have breakfast with their grandchild in eLink.
ELink – Each week, the PTA sends out an ELink with a message from the principal, counselor newsletter, upcoming events, PTA information and more. Be sure to sign up to receive the elink at https://springcreekpta.membershiptoolkit.com/elink so you don’t miss out on this important information.
Fall Movie Night - at the close of our PTA Fall Fundraising drive, we celebrate with a movie on the blacktop!
First Responders Assembly - On Sept. 11th, we honor our first responders with a flag ceremony led by our local Scouts.
Focus - Focus a website for parents to view their students’ grades and report cards. Access can be gained through www.risd.org at the bottom of the page.
Growth Mindset- At Spring Creek Elementary, we have adopted a growth mindset. We believe everyone is capable of learning and growing. Our brains our not fixed. You will see evidence of this by the way we speak to our students and how we encourage everyone to do hard things. We can do hard things!
Healthy Choices Week - week long dress up themes to celebrate and promote Healthy Habits.
Holiday Performance - each winter, certain grades team up for a fun Holiday performance!
Kindergarten Round-up – Held each March for all incoming kinder students and their parents.
Library – All students have a set library time each week. They are welcome to come any day before school or after school to check out books.
Little Eagles – Upcoming Kindergartners come and visit the school a few times throughout the school year and visit different teachers and classes.
Lunchtime- Parents are welcome to eat lunch with their child any given day on the cafeteria stage. You are also allowed to bring outside food in to the Cafeteria for your child for lunch.
Muffins with Mom - We celebrate the moms and special ladies in our life by hosting breakfast for them in May.
Neighborhood Walk - Our teachers welcome us back to school with a walk around the neighborhood before school starts!
Open House/STEM night – An exciting event for students to show off and share all that they have learned.
Orchestra & Band – Our 6th graders are encouraged to join Band or Orchestra, the teachers from Westwood Junior High come over each day to teach.
Penny Wars - the last week of our PTA Fall Fundraiser, classes compete by bringing change in to win a prize.
PBIS- Our school has adopted a school-wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports System (PBIS). We look for great behaviors in the common areas (hallways, cafeteria, restrooms, and recess) and reward students with SOAR tickets. Students that receive a soar ticket get their name on the Principal’s 200 board and a positive call home. We also use CHAMPS in our classrooms, so our expectations are consistent across all grade levels and specials.
Pride Rallies – Each nine weeks we have a Pride Rally to recognize outstanding students in each class. Parents are invited to attend this exciting event.
Pumpkin Carving Contest - each Halloween we have incredible and creative entries for pumpkin carving!
Reading Under the Stars - a favorite SCE PTA program, we have teachers and guest readers read us books under the fall stars, and have snacks and giveaways.
SEL- Each morning after the announcements, every class will participate in Social Emotional Learning time together. Our goal is to increase mental health, foster relationships, and help students develop valuable skills. We are excited to have the Sanford Harmony Curriculum in every classroom.
Sky Ranch – Each Fall our 5th graders go to Sky Ranch out in east Texas for 3 days. They learn about Science and Nature all in one.
Specials – All grade levels attend PE & Music twice a week, Art once a week. Our specials teachers are: Elisa Staats – PE; Lee Ann Brunelli - Art; Yuki Homma – Music.
Spring Auction - our biggest PTA fundraiser, our online auction funds MANY of the events and programs listed on this page (and more!).
Spring Fling - our Spring Carnival, a FREE event for our SCE community with inflatables, performances, games and more!
Spelling Bee – Each year we have a school wide spelling bee. The winner and their alternate will go on to represent Spring Creek at the district meet.
- Step Up to the Next Grade Day - held in May each year, students get to meet the teachers for the grade above them.
Storybook Character Dress-up Day – The Friday before Halloween. Come dressed as your favorite storybook character. Students participate in a parade right after announcements to strut their costumes.
Student Council – Each class from K-6 has 2 representatives. Students in 5th & 6th grade are officers.
Turkey Trot and Pie Baking Contest - held before the Thanksgiving holiday, students "trot" around SCE and in the afternoon a contest is held for the yummiest pies!
Wednesday Folders – This is a communication folder that is sent home with your child eachWednesday. In this folder you will find graded work, information from PTA and surrounding services.
Talent Show - our oldest students (4th-6th) perform a variety of talents. We have a show during the school day for all students and an evening show for families.
Tutoring - Is provided for grades K-6. We offer a variety of times for tutoring that include before, during and after school. Classroom teachers will notify you if we are requesting your child stay for tutoring.
XPLORE Program – After school program for all grades that is open till 6:00 pm. Please contact the front office for more information.
Volunteer Breakfast – Last by not least, we could not accomplish any of this without our fabulous volunteers. Each spring we show our heartfelt appreciation.
PTA--Our PTA sponsors many events and programs throughout the year. For more information on the award-winning SCE PTA, go to Programs.
Super Dads – This is always a wonderful group of Spring Creek Dads who Volunteer every year to support the school in ways like building the float we enter in the Richardson High School Homecoming Parade every year. This is a group all dads will want to be a part of!
Volunteering – This is always welcome and encouraged. What a great way to get first-hand knowledge of the inner workings of Spring Creek Elementary. Not only that, you also get to know the faculty, staff and other members of the Spring Creek PTA! Our PTA website is a great resource: www.springcreekpta.org. For more about volunteering at SCE, go to Volunteer.
*** Keep in mind all Volunteers must complete a background check each year before being able to volunteer in any capacity.
Click the link below to access the RISD volunteer background check:
Communication – Again our greatest resource to you will be our PTA website: www.springcreekpta.org. We are now a paperless school, so register on the website to receive eLink, our weekly e-newsletter with helpful information about the school. Please sign up for eLink here.
Upcoming Events
GREEN=PTA and Campus
YELLOW=Little Eagles
RED = Super Dads Events
- Monday, March 10
- Tuesday, March 11
- Wednesday, March 12
- Thursday, March 13
- Friday, March 14
- Thursday, March 20