We have a variety of opportunities - big and small - so there is something for every schedule and level of interest! Whether you commit to a PTA Board position for the school year, serve on a standing committee, or help out one time at a class party, every contribution of time is valuable. There is an ongoing need for chaperones/volunteers for:
Volunteering at SCE
One of the greatest strengths of SCE is our dedicated and involved parent volunteers. Without your efforts, our success wouldn't be possible.
- Grade Level Field Trips
- Homeroom Parents and Classroom Parties
- Library Volunteers
- SCE Learning Garden
- SCE PTA Board or Committee
Follow the steps below to get started! Have questions about volunteering at SCE? See our Volunteer FAQs
Step 1: Complete your volunteer background check
If you wish to volunteer in the Richardson ISD and at Spring Creek Elementary for the school year, you must complete the RISD Volunteer Application.
RISD is now using Voly to manage school volunteers and volunteer opportunities. Create your Voly account today by clicking here:
Check back often to see the different volunteer opportunities on all RISD campuses!
After volunteering, don't forget to log your hours! Logging your hours is EASY!!
AT SCHOOL: We keep track of your volunteer hours when you are actually at school based on when you sign in and out of the volunteer log. Please make sure you sign in as a VOLUNTEER and not as Visitor so we will see your entry!
AT HOME: We need for you to keep track of your off-site volunteer time which are called HOME HOURS. We will send out a reminder at the end of each month to make sure and report these hours but you can record them during any time in the month. Please click the button below to submit your volunteer hours.
You may also submit hours by emailing volunteer@springcreekpta.org. You don't need to know the exact date - just give the month and cumulative hours volunteered.
RISD grants award levels to schools based on volunteer hours. Each school year, SCE easily exceeds the required hours to meet the PLATINUM Award status, which is ten times the school's student enrollment. We are proud of this tradition and encourage you to submit your hours to maintain the status. If it benefits the school, it counts as hours!
Curious what counts at volunteer hours? The rule of thumb is "If it benefits the school, it counts!" Even eating lunch or a parent-teacher conference counts as volunteer hours.
Use the lists below to help jog your memory. You can even copy and paste the list below into an email to the volunteer chair and put your hours next to each opportunity you attended or volunteered. This is not an exhaustive list but something to get you started!
- Grade Level Field Trips
- Library Volunteering
- Classroom Volunteering
- Lunches at school with students
- Parent - Teacher - School Staff conferences
- Parent Ed or other campus programs
- Wednesday Folders
- Invention Convention
- Destination Imagination
- Science Fair
Check out this list from the RISD Council of PTAs with even more ideas by clicking here. Still not sure? Email volunteer@springcreekpta.org with any questions.
Upcoming Events
GREEN=PTA and Campus
YELLOW=Little Eagles
RED = Super Dads Events
- Monday, March 10
- Tuesday, March 11
- Wednesday, March 12
- Thursday, March 13
- Friday, March 14
- Thursday, March 20